Bobby McFerrin would love this thing.
Made me smile :)
M1 Abrams
I like girls who like to smile...
Don't cling to your unprofitable customers. Let your competitors have them. (Connect this one to friends, ideas, behavior, habits, etc.)
The most interesting things to question are the things that "everybody knows".
Kinsmen I So
When you sound smart everyone will think you're smart yet no one will listen to what you're trying to say.
Listening is trying to understand what others mean, communicating is working to ensure that others understand what you mean. |
Inkiness Om
"The cost of leadership is self interest." - Lt. Gen. Flynn, USMC
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." - Winston Churchill
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." - Winston Churchill
VIOLENCE!!! and humphrey :)
Woke up friday morning to my mother shrieking bloody murder. I replied "Wait, what?" She wasn't happy that I was still asleep while a tree was assaulting our homestead. I lazily got my kiester outside to go help mi padre avec le tree. It wasn't too bad (my favorite fence had died :(). The tree was only the size of a small rhino.
You can't see the magnitude of this monster, but you can see the damage. |
Humphrey is a solid piece of ice. No joke. |
I thought this was kinda cool... :) |
HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON!!! The girl from it atleast...
I cam in from a good ol' snow sesh to find this. My mother being entangled by our dog. Astrid. She swears it's the comfiest thing ever. It isn't. She is the worst bed sharer ever, she radiates waves of heat at around 132 degrees and claws your face every 5 minutes. It's no fun.
I like this one :) |
My momma is a beast :)
Ideas expressed compactly are far more likely to stick, to be remembered, and to be acted upon.
When faced with a choice, first ask if it fits with who you are. Then ask if it fits with who you want to be.
Lead with your main point. Follow with your explanation. The other way around makes you seem uncertain.
Going with the first answer you think of is like hiring the first person who replies to your job ad.
Rumpity rump rump.
"Remember that three quarters of an answer is better than an answer and a half." ~ Simon Sinek
Small mistakes can prompt us to unlearn bad habits. Big mistakes may be needed to unlearn bad thinking.
Once you tell people why they should do something, you've given them a reason why they should not.
I like quotes.
My posts need more diversity...
People hear you better when you're listening than when you're talking.
A word to the wise is unnecessary. It is the foolish that needs instruction. But only the wise want instruction. |
All grills are canned.
The freedom to be verbose is enjoyed by writers far more than by readers.
When we follow our own decisions... We become our own leaders.
Cans All Girl
Don't do something permanently stupid just because you're temporarily upset.
(I would add don't do something permanently stupid just because you're temporarily weak.)
Tell people what they want to know. Not what you think they want to hear. Not what you feel you have to say.
Exhibit A
Exhibit B
i would put every single one up if I had time... but i don't. so bleh.
Until I find a male acceptable blog template i am going to stick with this argyle. or upload a really awesome mind blowing photo of a walrus. I will keep you posted.
p.s. i had no idea argyle was spelt that way... Blogging teaches you stuff.
Exhibit A
Exhibit B
i would put every single one up if I had time... but i don't. so bleh.
Until I find a male acceptable blog template i am going to stick with this argyle. or upload a really awesome mind blowing photo of a walrus. I will keep you posted.
p.s. i had no idea argyle was spelt that way... Blogging teaches you stuff.
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Walruses like to cuddle puddle too :) |
Scar Gall Nil
The hard jobs are more rewarding. If someone thinks the job is easy, I'd rather let someone else do it.
Dynamic planning always beats a static plan. Plans never work, but planning never fails.
Sometimes the best way to compete is to cooperate better than anyone else.
This may seem like a regular little ol' orange. But it's not. This here orange was grown by Jeremiah Bishop's Grandfather in good ol' Mississippi. And is now in my hands ready to be eaten. I feel loved :)
Edit: Sincerely this has got to one of the best oranges I have ever had :)
Canal Grills
Reveal your purpose. If people can't see what is motivating you, they will make up something. |
Be persistent in your goals, not in your methods. If it's not working, try something different.
How to tell a wolf in sheep's clothing. He's the only one carrying a sign that says "I'm a sheep".
Gnarl All Sic
When you ask someone a question, whose understanding are you trying to change, yours or theirs?
If you want real change, change your habits and your beliefs. They control most of what you do. |
Favorite thing to count.
This is Abi and Ellie. They're a happy spot for me :)

This is Ellie. Just turned 1 and she's the happiest Abi has got to be the cutest person known to
little piece of meat you ever did meet. She's got man. Ellen even thinks so. (she never stops
her mommas attitude and her uncles handsomeness. talking... It's rather funny :)
This is her mean face :)
That's all for today :)
Clang All Sir
“There are two ways to slide easily through life: to believe everything or to doubt everything. Both ways save us from thinking.” ~Korzybski |
The person who is not trying to be convincing is usually more convincing than the person who is.
Ken Mission
Try to think of my opinions as being hypotheses. They are easier to get rid of that way.
The best way to make a good impression is to not try so hard to make a good impression. Just be.
Simon Sinek
"The cost of leadership is self interest." - Lt. Gen. Flynn, USMC |
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." - Winston Churchill
Trust and Love.
True Friend.
True: real; genuine; authentic; sincere; not deceitful.
Friend: a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
Goal: to be one.
True: real; genuine; authentic; sincere; not deceitful.
Friend: a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
Goal: to be one.
HUMPHREY!!! Fast as a slug and reliable as the time estimator on windows. This car is mine and I love him :) Smells pretty iffy too btws... BUT!! Without further ado!! Here he are!! :)
Carrie Jewels mark on my car. |
My hubcaps are happy :) |
My ever so organized back seat. |
The BOM chilling back there with some motor oil. |
Casie Lively's mark on my car - She attacked with scotch tape one day and put smiley faces and notes all over my car :) |
Yup. |
:) This post is mainly for my good friend who can't see the state of the green machine. Just wanted to show you he hasn't improved any :) |
*I(lung)you17rhinoceroses. (take 2.)
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I'm a big boy. |
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In Honor of the Libasaurus. |
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I'm Cute.
Mr Red wears: Plaid - Pennys? I'm not actually sure... Shirt - GHXC Jeans - Hand-me-down so who knows Socks - Costco Shoes - Famous Footwear!!!! I knew this one :)
Photocred and Inspiration
Bandanas are cool. Especially this one.
I fel that the Anonymity should be kept. So even though you can't tell, this is a berry veautiful person. Even on Man Pant Days. (Not sure if this was one... But it's still true.)
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